
7 Ways You’re Falling Behind Without AI in Your Content Strategy

7 Ways You're Falling Behind Without AI in Your Content Strategy

Do you think you need a big team and lots of paid tools to succeed at content marketing?

Think again! By using free AI tools, you can kickstart your content creation journey today. More and more businesses are finding ways to include AI tools in their content strategy each day.

In fact, about 58% of businesses use AI tools for research and generation content ideas. This shows that many businesses are moving to AI generated marketing content.

So, let’s get started.

Benefits of Using AI tools for your Content Strategy

Increased Efficiency

Using AI tools can save you a lot of time by helping you increase your efficiency in most of the content marketing tasks. These include ideation, generating outline and searching for relevant information for writing your content. All of these tasks can take hours to finish. Using AI tools can greatly speed up your processes.


If you have one long-form content like a blog post written, you can easily repurpose this content and post it to other platforms to increase your overall reach. For example, you can ask ChatGPT to turn your 2000-word blog post into a 300-word LinkedIn post or a Twitter/X thread.


For a new business, investing in one or two such AI tools will save you a lot of money and you can get great results for your content marketing efforts. It’s a lot cheaper than hiring content marketing agencies. There are free AI content creation tools as well if you’re just starting out.

Overcome Writers’ block

These AI content creation tools will assist your content teams to write better and faster, reducing the time required to create content. You can easily generate outlines and other key points to include in your articles and not waste anymore time thinking about what to write.

How you can use AI tools for your content strategy – Use cases

Creating strategy

Before you start creating content, you need a strategy. Every piece of content should be tied to a bigger goal you want to achieve. For example, grow your blog traffic by 20% in the next three months. AI tools can help you come up with a strategy that supports your goals. At least give you something to work on. Later you can tailor it to your liking.


Getting relevant ideas for your content is where most people get stuck. Of course, you can do this manually by looking at what your competitors are posting, doing keyword research, and looking at people also ask sections. But using a free AI content creation tool will get you plenty of content ideas in a few seconds.

Research, outline and first draft

AI tools also help you to cut your content research time in half. These will help you find relevant information related to your topic along with the sources. To make your content writing process even more easy, you can get outlines and write the first draft for your content. You can then edit this content to add your personal touch.

Image and video generation

Not just text, AI tools will help you create images and videos as well. If you’re a one-person content team, then these tools will come in handy. ChatGPT, Gemini, and Invideo are great for creating images and generating videos.

Image and video generation

Top 3 Free AI content creation tools to use

These are some of the most popular and free-to-use tools for AI generated marketing content.

Perplexity AI

Other than generating ideas and writing outlines, what makes Perplexity special is its ability to fact check and verify information. It always comes up with facts along with its sources so you know which websites to check out.

Here’s how I have used Perplexity AI to help me find relevant statistics to include in this blog post.

Perplexity AI


This one is by far the most popular and its paid plan works like an all-in-one tool for all your content creation needs. But, its free plan is great too. It does an excellent job at polishing up your content to make it more readable and also helps to find content gaps. Here’s an example.



Another great free tool to use helping you with AI generated marketing content. Overall does a great job working as an assistant for your content needs. Also generates images but can’t yet create images with people in it.


Are you looking for a tool to boost your LinkedIn content marketing efforts? Try TRIKL AI, the best AI writer for LinkedIn. Get ideas, generate content, images, and schedule your LinkedIn posts all in one platform. Try TRIKL for free today.


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7 Ways You’re Falling Behind Without AI in Your Content Strategy